Counting Down The Days...

Well, it's monday May 18th already and my birthday is coming soon. I am really excited for that but a bit nervous because I'm hitting my mid-30s in a week and I still haven't accomplished some things in life. Hopefully, this will be my year of getting them done.

Some people may say that I'm getting old, but I really don't feel that way. Age is just a number and I just like to find ways on feeling young and great each day.

A chocolate cake I'm dreaming for my birthday

I'm currently counting down the days because it will be great to by 35 years old. And what is more exciting is that this year I get to celebrate during Memorial Day weekend. It will be an awesome 3-day fun time for me. I'm planning some party time as well as some relax time just to pamper myself.

I guess this counting down the days issue is just giving me mix feelings. But I'm sure that next weekend will be just awesome and this new year of life would turn out awesome as long as I set my mind to it...


Oswaldo Aiffil said…
Hey Marole! When is your birthday? Remember that life comes without a handbook. And chances are always.
Marole said…
Muchas gracias mi querido Oswaldo por tu comentario. Mi cumpleaños es hoy 25 de Mayo.

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