What to change when you want to change?
"A year from now you will wish you had started today" - Karen Lamb, British Author.
So I do have a few posts where the main theme is to change - whether to change as a person or as a professional. I've been in that quest...in that search...in that process of change as a person first so I can later achieve a change in my professional life.
Part of this process of change has been partnering with an awesome business group. I have also been a bit more involved with a Blogger Organization here in Florida. In one way of another, they have become my mentors and have helped me realize many things and I have learned a lot from them. By doing so, I'm been tackling little things here and there; in other words, I've been a bit more mindful of my personality & my mind and my environment in order to create positive changes in me.
As I grow and change for the best, I would love to share some tips with others. In a way, share the knowledge and mindful wealth with others out there who might be in that same stage of growth as I am. Here are a few suggestions I've applied & share with others:
- Find a true reason why you want to change --> you might have a certain wish or a very positive mission in you life you want to accomplish.
- Find path that is yours to follow --> this is a path where you feel great and passionate about. It's where your WHY will shine bright like a diamond.
- Act with common sense --> it's important to learn how to be a thinker, not a doer. By acting with common sense, you spend less time on a problem and have a quick solution. Part of your actions might be linked to changing your habits.
- Consistency and Discipline are key tools --> a person with perfect discipline doesn't exist. Follow a routine, where you try to build new habits. Be consistent in your actions. Little by little the discipline will pay off.
- Work, behave, and lead by example - as you learn to become a leader in your business, you have to be humble & to think how you can improve by being an example to others. You help yourself by helping others with your experiences.
- Failure is OK --.> how can you learn if you don't ever fail? Be conscious of how you fail and just come with a positive solution.
- Think outside the box --> we leave inside a comfort zone; a change needs to be done. In other words, be willing to leave outside your comfort zone and live in that outside area. You will get adjusted at your own pace.
- Share the knowledge with others ----> it's a honest way to show others that positive changes are possible.
- Changes take time ---> be consistent but know & be aware that nothing comes true overnight. Changes might take days or even years, but you will always see something new in you.
These are a few suggestion I can provide to you. Review in your spare time and apply them to your daily routine. Changes will become more noticeable as you become more mindful. It's all in the mind and constant practice.