The Green Grass...
The Grass is Greener on the other side --- a phrase well-known by many out there.
To some people, it helps motivate them towards achieving something somebody else might have. For others, it's just a statement to determine what could be on the other side and how pretty it looks from far away.
One way or another, the person is just overly comparing and wanting what somebody else has without knowing how that green grass became that way. How much work? What abilities did the person have to achieve that green grass result? How much personal growth was achieve during the process?
What is the true value of that green grass across the other side? Because it might be worth lots of money or worth lots of gratefulness.
It's hard to really know and to hold on to an ideal image of the grass across the other side. By staring and comparing and being opinionated, the journey would be worse. People get blinded and don't realize that they can use all that energy and time; they could be use to work towards the grass you're standing on.
It's time to stand up from whichever place you might be! Turn the hard work and constant opinions from others to fuel yourself and just work on your own grass. Build a discipline, stop comparing with others, and have the guts to just work on your grassy area.
It's a second chance when you stop comparing negatively while realizing that your work on your area, see a positive outcome overtime, and appreciate the green grass results.
To some people, it helps motivate them towards achieving something somebody else might have. For others, it's just a statement to determine what could be on the other side and how pretty it looks from far away.
One way or another, the person is just overly comparing and wanting what somebody else has without knowing how that green grass became that way. How much work? What abilities did the person have to achieve that green grass result? How much personal growth was achieve during the process?
What is the true value of that green grass across the other side? Because it might be worth lots of money or worth lots of gratefulness.
It's hard to really know and to hold on to an ideal image of the grass across the other side. By staring and comparing and being opinionated, the journey would be worse. People get blinded and don't realize that they can use all that energy and time; they could be use to work towards the grass you're standing on.
It's time to stand up from whichever place you might be! Turn the hard work and constant opinions from others to fuel yourself and just work on your own grass. Build a discipline, stop comparing with others, and have the guts to just work on your grassy area.
It's a second chance when you stop comparing negatively while realizing that your work on your area, see a positive outcome overtime, and appreciate the green grass results.