Peter Jennings - the face of ABC News is gone!

Wooaooo...una de las caras más famosas dentro del ambito noticiero ha desparecido. Me refiero a Peter Jennings (1938-2005) quien murió a causa de cáncer pulmonar. Murió el dia de ayer despues de estar combatiendo el cáncer desde el pasado mes de Abril.

Yo les confieso que no soy 100% fanatica de las noticieros. Los veo de ves en cuando para tratar de estar al tanto de las cosas en este alocado mundo nuestro. Pero si puedo decir que Peter Jennings ha sido el mejor y más destacado reportero que he visto en mi vida.

Con casi 5 decadas de experiencia, Peter Jennings tenia cierta calma y manera peculiar de transmitir hasta las más dificiles noticias. Era un tipo muy formal y que siempre mantenia una compostura muy seria y a la ves carismatica. Tambien se veia que era un gran conocedor de las variadas culturas que existen en este mundo y de verdad que era muy culto al dar opiniones de cada noticia.

A sus 67 años de edad, era el reportero principal en ABC News - programa informativo de la cadena televisiva ABC. La verdad que es una lastima perder a una figura periodistica como Peter. May he now rest in peace!

Si quieren saber más de él, favor de leer este artículo que conseguí en MSNBC.


romrod said…
ya uno como que estaba acostumbrado a verlo, lástima. El cigarrillo no perdona, espero que le den publicidad a eso.
Marole said…
si, es verdad Romrod. Parece q' fumaba demasiado. Parece q' le van a hacer un tributo pronto, asi q' espero q' enfoquen en ese punto.

Bye bye ;)
Gabriel said…
No lo recuerdo pero q.e.p.d. Mi esposa fumaba mucho, ya tiene un año sin fumar, pero un principio de efisema le quedó de todo eso.Valdría la pena colocar unos post referidos a los daños que ocasiona el cigarrillo. Intentando buscar tiempito para visitar a los que siempre leo. Saludos
casa en venta said…
State of Carabobo.
Crimes against Humanity - Torture in Venezuela Carabobo University Chancellor Rosemary Divo Jessy Ulices Academic Vice President Jose Angel Rojas Chancelor Ferreira Prosecutor Valencia Venezuela has 5 Harassment Cases Electronic Voice Brain cauterization in to Skull.

In these cases act Intelligence Agency and Organizations for the Study of the Human Race in The Hague, France, CHINESE, KOREAN and JAPANESE.

The Journalist OPENHAIMER has different cases that can see the call.
The complaint that you can get in the prosecution of Valencia, Venezuela was sent to international courts as courts of The Hague and the international police guna, as Interpol, the complaint may be considered from a legal standpoint as a complaint is performed based on non-existent plot was explained in the media and no institution has done any research.
This type of complaints when they are answered by any legal institution from the legal standpoint check for those crimes.
The Interpol international police response is not achieved by this communication you can do exactly the same and see that no police or organization.
Conduct any legal process ........,,,,,, secreuc @,,,,,, elchiguirebipolar @ gmail. com,,

Electronic Harassment Complaint Electronic Harassment and Mental Torture Voice to Skull.

In this first communication would explain a little about the intention of presenting this case. To introduce these types of lawyers in human rights violations, Al collect information about how some organizations to study the human race harassment engage in criminal activity, damage genetic manipulations and biological damage.
As part of the information presented for examination must archives, books of agencies, organizations study of the human race, recordings, television programs, legal precedents, research methodologies for the determination of technologies, Discovery Channel and History Chanel.
To complete the information were closed tens of thousands of cases in some countries, in all cases have similar characteristics in terms of electronic harassment and cases of voice in to sckull, some subjects had feelings of cauterization in areas of the brain, accompanied feelings of loss of memory, feelings associated with stimuli that produce some involuntary movement, almost imperceptible in the extremities, the subjects discussed in some cases they perceive voices, but the content of the voice follows the same patterns from the statistical point of view the content.

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