Quote of the Day!

Hace cierto tiempo me di cuenta q' en los vacitos de café q' tomo en Starbucks Coffee traen quotes (una cita ó dicho) interesantes. El de hoy me interesó mucho...tiene un toque politico pero a la ves un toque de mercadeo (tema q' me interesa mucho) y q' tiene cierto mensaje verdadero. Aqui se los dejo:

The Way I See It #5

The Zen master would say if
you want to change government,
you have to aim at changing
corporations, and if you want
to change corporations, you first
have to change consumers.
Whoa, wait a minute! The consumer?
That's me drinking this
cup of coffee.

--Yvon Chouinard
Climber, surfer, environmentalist
and founder of Patagonia.


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